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Re: [dvd-discuss] EFF opposes blacklisting spammers
- To: Openlaw DMCA Forum <dvd-discuss(at)cyber.law.harvard.edu>
- Subject: Re: [dvd-discuss] EFF opposes blacklisting spammers
- From: Noah silva <nsilva(at)atari-source.com>
- Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2001 09:39:22 -0400 (EDT)
- In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.4.21.0110190259230.19366-100000@shaft.bitmine.net>
- Reply-To: dvd-discuss(at)cyber.law.harvard.edu
- Sender: owner-dvd-discuss(at)cyber.law.harvard.edu
> The EFF is right here just as Stallman is right about the GPL (as opposed
> to the BSD license).
Grr.. have to say as a software author.. .I like BSD better. GPL isn't
_LEGALLY_ as free, so it's amusing to hear it called "more free" from BSD,
which is LESS LEGALLY restrictive and MORE FREE. But now, I don't want to
start a thread on that here, it's been played out enough.
I agree that _I_ should be able to block my email. I agree that ISPs
should be able to block malfunctioning web sites (like Open Relays). I
don't think they should do it without warning. I don't think ISPs should
be able to block whoever they want for whatever reason. I believe the
SENDER's ISP should block him if he is sending large amounts of
unsolicited email. I am a big supporter (even financially) of EFF, but
the analogy EFF uses in this case (Political speach) doesn't ring true to
me. I don't want people putting junk mail in my mail box either. If they
want to gather at the square with a megaphone and shout all day,
fine... It may be annoying to 95% of the people who avoid the square,
but anyone who wants to can go listen, and it is public property and
doesn't affect me unless I want it to. If they want to come into my house
and do it? no. I don't think so. I have the right to refuse an email just
like I have the right to refuse a package.
I do NOT think that:
a.) ISPs should be able to block whatever they want.
b.) ISPs should be forced to join MAPS or RBL.
c.) ANY ISP should block ANY PORT to ANY USERS.
c is particularly important. ISPs use junk email and virus as an excuse
to limit service.
-- noah silva