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Re: [dvd-discuss] Hang the RIAA in their own noose.

On Tuesday 16 October 2001 17:43, you wrote:

> In the Wired News article I posted the link to earlier
> their representitive states that they believe they already
> have that right.  
> Here we go ... http://www.wired.com/news/conflict/0,2100,47552,00.html
> <blockquote>
> In an interview Friday, RIAA lobbyist Mitch Glazier 
> [...]
> "We might try and block somebody," Glazier said. "If we know someone is
> operating a server, a pirated music facility, we could try to take measures
> to try and prevent them from uploading or transmitting pirated documents." 
> The RIAA believes that this kind of technological "self-help" against online
> pirates, if done carefully, is legal under current federal law. But the RIAA
> is worried about the USA Act banning that practice 
> [...]
> </blockquote>

AFAICT, they're counting on the current law's $5000 threshold.  The idea is
that the law allows big companies to DOS, crack, etc. individuals because
the damages are miniscule, but individuals shouldn't DOS, crack etc. large
companies because that would be enough money to be important.

They may even be right, although a court might see collective damages as
meeting the threshold -- I don't see the text of the law as being clear on
that point.

| I'm old enough that I don't have to pretend to be grown up.|
+----------- D. C. Sessions <dcs@lumbercartel.com> ----------+