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RE: [dvd-discuss] Hang the RIAA in their own noose.

OK Technically they aren't claiming they have the RIGHT (as in 
constitional amendment) but read the last paragraph below. It says 
effectively if we mess up your computer protecting our sacred intellectual 
property too bad.

Taken from http://www.wartimeliberty.com/article.pl?sid=01/10/14/1756248

                         "Section 815(d)(2) [of the Senate
                         antiterrorism legislation] currently
                         amends section 1030(g) (the provision
                         of 1030 which creates a civil cause of
                         action) by adding a sentence at the end

                         'No action may be brought under this
                         subsection for the negligent design or
                         manufacture of computer hardware,
                         computer software or firmware.' 

                         We [would propose adding a new
                         sentence to the end of this as follows: 

                         'No action may be brought under this
                         subsection arising out of any impairment
                         of the availability of data, a program, a
                         system or information, resulting from
                         measures taken by an owner of
                         copyright in a work of authorship, or
                         any person authorized by such owner to
                         act on its behalf, that are intended to
                         impede or prevent the infringement of
                         copyright in such work by wire or
                         electronic communication; provided that
                         the use of the work that the owner is
                         intending to impede or prevent is an
                         infringing use.' 


                         'No action may be brought under this
                         subsection arising out of any impairment
                         of the availability of data, a program, a
                         system or information, resulting from
                         measures taken by an owner of
                         copyright in a work of authorship, or
                         any person authorized by such owner to
                         act on its behalf, that are reasonably
                         intended to impede or prevent the
                         unauthorized transmission of such work
                         by wire or electronic communication of
                         such transmission would infringe the
                         rights of the copyright owner.'' 

"John Dempsey" <john.dempsey7@verizon.net>
Sent by: owner-dvd-discuss@eon.law.harvard.edu
10/16/01 03:15 PM
Please respond to dvd-discuss

        To:     <dvd-discuss@eon.law.harvard.edu>
        Subject:        RE: [dvd-discuss] Hang the RIAA in their own noose.

> they do *not* attempt to get a right to
> hack your machine (they believe they already have that right). they
> *do* try to get exemption from prosecution for "collateral damages"
> they might cause.

Where do they claim to have this right?
I agree with the argument that privately they know better.
Where do they intimidate publically with such a claim?