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RE: [dvd-discuss] The Checks and Ballances are in the mail

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-dvd-discuss@eon.law.harvard.edu
[mailto:owner-dvd-discuss@eon.law.harvard.edu]On Behalf Of Jim Bauer
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 11:34 PM
To: dvd-discuss@eon.law.harvard.edu
Subject: Re: [dvd-discuss] The Checks and Ballances are in the mail

"Chris Moseng" <underwhelm_org@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>From: Jim Bauer <jfbauer@home.com>
>>In a criminal case, I would at leat have the right to a free bargain
>>basement defence by a public defender who incedently is working
>>for the same government that would be prosecuting me.  Can you say
>>conflict of interest?
>>Back to the civil cases.  A while back I though of a way
>>to pay for the defense of the little guy.  If really-big-guy
>>sues little-guy, they really-big-guy must provide X% of the money
>>they spend on the suit to the defendent for their defense.
>How can a person can sincerely believe both of these paragraphs

A similar thought crossed my mind when I wrote it.  The "solution"
does obviously have some problems.  How can things be fixed
without introducing other problems?
Jim Bauer, jfbauer@home.com

It Cant.  Every New Solution Creates a problem, normally a problem for the
minorities, which in this case are the crackers and hackers all over the
world.  The majority will always be the bigger guy trying in its own intrest
to stop the little guy from side stepping thier own self-proclamied laws.
The governing force in every type of rule is always the bigger guys, because
they are just that.  The laws are made today and not changed for years,
keeping the little guy under wraps, and by the time it is changed there are
10 more with slightly different wording that are still in place.  Current
Checks and Balances works as a obsticle course, slowing and possible even
stoping all movement of a "law" that should never had been a "law." And
until the speed of the justice system, which coincidently is controlled by
the budgeting factors of the different sections of the law, is increased 10
fold, check and balances wil not ever really work.