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[dvd-discuss] Samuelson on Reverse Engineering

Pam Samuelson has a nice article in Science (online at 
<http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/293/5537/2028> ) describing the 
threat to scientific research posed by the anticircumvention rules.  A good 
URL to pass on to those not yet involved in the fight.

I hope it will help get the attention of the broader scientific 
community.  She specifically calls for scientists to make themselves heard 
in the legislative and judicial process -- through advice to Congress and 
amicus briefs (like the cryptographers'  and computer scientists'  briefs 
in 2600 :-).

Wendy Seltzer -- wendy@seltzer.com
Fellow, Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School