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Re: [dvd-discuss] Going on the offense.

On Monday, September 10, 2001, at 03:23 PM, Tom wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 10, 2001 at 02:33:55PM -0400, Kurt Hockenbury wrote:
>> Laws requiring companies to give you a complete list of all data they 
>> have
>> collected on you, and you being allowed to revise it (similar to credit
>> reports, but for privacy information).
> a law including, but not limited to, this is actually fairly standard
> in western europe
That's currently the case for "fair use". Fair use existed as a judicial 
doctrine delineating the scope of copyright. Congress used the term in 
the 1976 copyright bill-- subsequently the court in (I believe) (Sony v. 
Universal 464 US 417), the S.C. decided that the legislative definition 
was a bit too narrow.
