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Re: [dvd-discuss] Adobe ElcomSoft FAQ

On Wed, 5 Sep 2001, Sham Gardner wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 04, 2001 at 04:41:32PM -0400, Ole Craig wrote:
> > Tim -
> > 	I'm on my honeymoon, so I don't have time to respond more
> > fully to your excellent beginning -- I'm sneaking internet time as it
> > is in order to keep abreast of dvd-d -- but anyone who tries to read
> > the referenced page with a CSS-enabled browser will get redirected to
> > a 404 for some nonexistent style sheet. (possibly copied from Adobe?)
> > Prune any reference to *.css in the source.
> Maybe that other DeCSS would actually be useful here. ;)

I'd forgotten all about that one!    

vi works just fine though...  

I've updated the document with the suggestions I have received so
far.   There are still some parts which I would like to simplify a bit. 

Also, I've fixed all of Adobe's links, and provided a link back to their
document from the intro.


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 / o ______    /  / _  . .    No apologies to Jack Valenti or the MPAA
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