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RE: [dvd-discuss] Skylarov indicted for trafficing and conspiracy.

"Make no mistake. This is our passport to the gallows. For if we don't 
surely all hang together, we surely will all hang seperately"  B.Franklin.

Richard Hartman <hartman@onetouch.com>
Sent by: owner-dvd-discuss@eon.law.harvard.edu
08/29/01 11:08 AM
Please respond to dvd-discuss

        To:     "'dvd-discuss@eon.law.harvard.edu'" <dvd-discuss@eon.law.harvard.edu>
        Subject:        RE: [dvd-discuss] Skylarov indicted for trafficing and conspiracy.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeremy A Erwin [mailto:jerwin@gmu.edu]
> On Wednesday, August 29, 2001, at 12:39 PM, Michael.A.Rolenz@aero.org 
> wrote:
> > Associating to perform a criminal activity is a conspiracy 
> (even if an
> > associate is does not perform a criminal activity themselves.). The 
> > beauty
> > of a conspiracy charge is that it allows them to add 
> unnamed persons and
> > they can invalidate the defense that He's just an employee doing
> > programming and a student- He contributed to this henious 
> criminal act.
> Erm. right. Does contributing to a mailing list (vlc-devel, for 
> instance) count as conspiracy?

Yes.  If "discussion of circumvention of federal law" ever becomes
a crime in it's own right, we're all conspiritors.

-Richard M. Hartman

186,000 mi./sec ... not just a good idea, it's the LAW!