John Clippinger on Scope

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To whomever:

I like the proposal and it does a good job in making the case.

One concern I have is over scope. A lot is being proposed and promised and it may better to do a few things very well than become diffuse and attempt too much. How this is tasked and staffed is critical. ( Perhaps look to sponsors for culling.)

I would also like to see distinctions regarding anonymity at different layers – network, transaction, identity, and social – each have different technologies, constituencies and issues. A failure at any of these layers can sink the ship so to speak.

The issue of pseudo-anonymity as a default and a protected social norm is an important one. One should not be forced to expose information by any means if one doesn’t want to. Hence, a look how this might be achieved. This is also related to industry structure issues which I believe is huge – we don’t want another Cable TV industry, etc. Here technology and policy come together very importantly.

Also, national security issues will intrude – unavoidable. When and how does the government have the right to penetrate an anonymity veil? Here again technology mitigated approaches are critical and there is a huge vacuum in understanding.

That is my two cents.
