Pre-Project Description/Objectives

From Ano/Pseudonymity
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General Objective: Theoretical: Develop a case for the value of anonymous online speech Practical: Formulate well-informed and carefully crafted policy choices

Problem to Be Addressed: Intention: to induce technology designers, institutional users, policymakers, and the general public must consider the large-scale implications of digital identity management choices. Modes of Study: case studies, development of analytical framework, in-depth policy and technology explorations The primary purposes of digital identity management systems are to curb phishing/phraud and to allow legitimate personal data exchanges Some worry, however, that corporate uses of DIM systems will extend beyond their intended use and ultimately afford individuals less control over their data This represents a threat to basic freedoms: freedoms of privacy, expression, association, and security of person As data becomes more valuable, the necessity for anonymization and identity protection grows A large-scale effort for data anonymization would necessitate orchestration between jurisdictional levels, as well as between the public and private sectors A crucial part of efforts to keep sensitive data anonymous will be framing it as a "win" for the corporations who own the data

Use Case: Government. Primary motivations: 1) Procedural tasks (i.e. voting) where anonymity is necessary for fairness 2) Investigations that concern a large amount of average people; identities of terrorists or criminals could be revealed only when there is a "match" 3) Protection of government employees (prosecutors, judges, etc) whose safety could be compromised through Internet involvement 4) Handling of citizen data collected while providing electronic services (social security, healthcare, etc)

Use Case: Business. Primary motivations: 1) Demonstrating to customers and regulators that the privacy of personal data is respected 2) Help shelter business from liabilities relating to personal data loss/corruption 3) Businesses may want to gather information about their customers and competitors without revealing their identities

Use Case: Civil Society. Primary motivations: 1) Bolstering of personal freedoms: anonymity inspires individuals to express themselves without fear of repercussions 2) Bloggers' use of pseudonyms allows them to document organizations, states, social groups from within

Three-Pronged Analysis: Theoretical Underpinnings: Exploration of the relationship between pseudonymity/anonymity and values like democratic discourse, consumer protection, business confidentiality, anti-corruption, self exploration, and social interaction Design Decisions: Informing the design of responsible and constructive digital management systems at the network, transaction, identity, and social layers Implementation Analysis: Assessment of Microsoft’s CardSpace, Liberty’s federated system, and the Higgins platform according to these criteria

Drawing on this analysis, the project will conduct a prescriptive analysis of potential policy choices regarding digital identity management and anonymity/pseudonymity.

Dissemination and Collaboration: Results of the various parts of the study will result not only in traditional academic output but also in websites, podcasts, blogs, They will appear in forms ranging from formal legal tutorials to historical and social analysis in "lay terms" Community involvement will be bolstered by Berkman's unique ability to engage with the blogging community