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Internet & Society: The Technologies and Politics of Control – Winter 2015

Winter 2015 Course
Meets: M, T, W, Th 4:15pm - 6:15pm
2 classroom credits

This course offers an intensive introduction to the field of cyberlaw. We will investigate the evolving nature of online architecture and activities, and the ways in which the legal toolbox has been, and will be, leveraged to influence them.

Course themes include the complex interaction between Internet governance organizations and sovereign states, the search for balance between the ease of disseminating information online and the interest of copyright holders, privacy advocates, and others in controlling that dissemination, and the roles of intermediaries and platforms in shaping what people can and cannot do online. By application. Please note special compressed meeting times. No prerequisites.

Please note: The course will run from Sunday, January 4, 2015 to Friday, January 16, 2015 at Stanford Law School. It will comprise 10 students from Stanford Law School and 10 students from Harvard Law School, including any cross-registrants from other Stanford or Harvard schools. There will be an opening Sunday set of activities; one approximately two-hour session every Monday-Thursday within that period (4:15-6:15pm); and potentially one Saturday session, including field trips. Students enrolled in the course from both schools will be selected through an application process. Harvard students will receive funds to assist with travel and accommodations.

The application can be found at, and is due at 11:59 p.m. on Friday, October 10, 2014.