
This report represents the outcome of a substantial and engaged team effort, most extensively by Berkman Center researchers, with many contributions from others elsewhere at Harvard and in other institutions and centers around the world. I am deeply indebted to the many and diverse contributions that each and every one of them made.

The project would not have been possible without the tremendous effort and engagement by the leadership team.

Robert Faris(skeptical reading; study design; country case studies)
Urs Gasser(overall leadership; country case studies; international research; reading/editing)
Laura Miyakawa (project manager; pricing studies; quantitative analyses)
Stephen Schultze(project leadership; bibliographic research design and implementation; country case studies )

Each of our country overviews and annexes was researched, authored and edited by a fantastic group of colleagues, research assistants and friends that resulted both in the overviews and in informing the main document.

Jerome BaudryJames Kwok
Lee Baker Alan Lenarcic
Eliane Bucher Parina Patel
Anjali Dalal Debbie Rosenbaum
Gildas de Muizon Tarek Saghir
Jan Gerlach Olivier Sautel
Jock Given Marta Stryszowska
Andrew Goodman Lara Srivastava
Hank Greenberg Andrea Von Kaenel
Pascal Herzog Asa Wilks

This report would also not been possible without the researching, annotating, copy editing, spreadsheeting, cheerleading and organizing provided by Berkman Center staff and interns and the Harvard Law School Library staff.

Catherine Bracy Ramesh Nagarajan
June Casey Caroline Nolan
Bruce Etling Antwuan Wallace
Sawyer Carter Jacobs Catherine White
Colin Maclay Jillian York
Seth Young

I am also very pleased to acknowledge the help from colleagues and people with knowledge and access to data who helped think through the design of the studies, answer specific questions, or otherwise improved the work and our understanding immeasurably.

Nathaniel Beck
Dominique Boullier
Michael Burstein (critical reading of the main document)
John de Ridder (access to data included in econometrics of unbundling)
Jaap Doleman
Henk Doorenspleet
Andy Eggers
Antii Eskola (Finnish telecommunications)
Epitiro (answers to questions about actual testing data produced by the company)
William Fisher
Daniel Haeusermann
Mizuko Ito (Japanese broadband uses)
Gary King
William Lehr
Francois Lévêque
Jun Makihara
Ookla Net Metrics; Mike Apgar (access to data)
Simon Osterwalder (Switzerland)
HyeRyoung Ok (South Korean usage patterns)
John Palfrey
Taylor Reynolds (extensive answers about OECD data)
David Sraer
James Thurman
Derek Turner (data for replicating urbanicity study)
Dirk Van der Woude (fiber in Europe; Amsterdam)
Nico Van Eijk (Dutch and European telecommunications policy)
Jan van Rooijen
Herman Wagter (municipal fiber; Amsterdam; topology)
Sacha Wunsch-Vincent

Finally, I am proud and grateful of the support we received from the Ford Foundation and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Both foundations were remarkably open and flexible in their willingness to receive and process our requests for funding in lightening speed, so as to allow us to respond to this highly time-sensitive request to support the FCC’s efforts, while maintaining complete independence from the agency. We have been extremely fortunate in our relationships with both foundations, and I am particularly grateful to the remarkable people whom we have been able to work on this project: Jenny Toomey from Ford, and Connie Yowell and Valerie Chang from MacArthur.

— Yochai Benkler, Principal Investigator