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Berkman Cyberlaw Clinic Students Flex Their Muscles

Last week Berkman’s Cyberlaw Clinic and its hardworking students contributed mightily to three separate projects in the public interest…

The Electronic Frontier Foundation formally challenged a bogus online gaming patent that threatened small businesses and innovators of multi-player Internet games. Students from Berkman's Cyberlaw Clinic worked extensively for several years to gather and analyze much of the evidence that formed the basis for the EFF's filing with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).  More from Cyberlaw Clinic Director Phil Malone here.

The Citizen Media Law Project launched the first sections of its Citizen Media Legal Guide, with more updates to this massive undertaking on the way. A small army of Berkman Clinical students have participated in the building of this unique resource. More from CMLP director and co-founder (and former Clinical student) David Ardia here

Last but not least, released an alert identifying RealPlayer as badware. Clinical students reviewed and provided input and guidance in the preparation of the alert. More from StopBadware Project Manager Max Weinstein here.
4/3/09 update: RealPlayer redeemed.

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