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Berkman Blog Buzz

A look at the past week's online Berkman conversations.  For a complete picture, please visit our Berkman aggregator

"I study the future of the Internet from the perspective of wanting to maintain its “generativity”—its capacity to produce extraordinary change for the good of the world. A profoundly fortuitous set of historical circumstances has led to an “open” Internet and PC, open in the sense of allowing anyone, anywhere, to produce code— software—and to distribute it costlessly and instantly to the world...."  Jonathan Zittrain, "Stop Badware Manifesto"

"So what do we know? We know that they - like everybody else doing internet information services in China - are committing evil.  But I want to get a better sense for exactly where they rank on the evil scale...." Rebecca MacKinnon, "Google in China: degrees of evil"

"This suggests that for some controversial keywords, forces a search against a catalog of pages hosted in China rather than a search against the whole web. Some quick experiments...." Ethan Zuckerman, "Understanding how filters"

"The Internet has always been a playground of externalities. It's useful to me because of what others contribute, so what makes it easier for others to participate increases Internet value. Consider blogging software...." Wendy Seltzer, "Spyware as an ecosystem blight"

Lawrence Lessig posts a video presentation on whether Google Book Search is protected by Fair Use.  Lawrence Lessig's post

“They’re not going to use my pipes for free” he’s not talking about Them, he’s talking about Me. He’s talking about Us, it should be plain to see." David Isenberg, "My O'Reilly Etel Talk, with apologies to Dr. Seuss"

"Fortunately the folks at have solved my problem by setting up a cool new feature that will automatically post the stuff I'm bookmarking directly to my blog every day...." Rebecca MacKinnon, "Now posting my links to this blog"

"Next month, I move to San Francisco and start work as a Webwriter/Activist for EFF...." Derek Slater, "Reemerging and Relocating"

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