File talk:Regulating Digital Currencies- The Bitcoin Conundrum Daniel Rogowski.docx

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Revision as of 16:23, 4 March 2014 by MJG71 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Hi Daniel, This is a very interesting topic, I do have a question about which forums and/or communities you will be choosing to look at in order to answer your question. In ...")
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Hi Daniel,

This is a very interesting topic, I do have a question about which forums and/or communities you will be choosing to look at in order to answer your question. In my limited knowledge of this topic, how will make sure that the forums/communities you chose will be unbiased? It seems that certain governments feel very strongly about this topic and how it should be regulated and may tend to influence how it is perceived through their community. Overall, I think it is a great research idea that I look forward to reading more about. MJG71 16:23, 4 March 2014 (EST)