Pre-class Discussion for Jan 18

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Zittrain, The Future of the Internet, Conclusion

Frank Bajak, Laptop project enlivens Peruvian village

For those interested, I found a link on YouTube that shows the laptop and explains its use. OLPC One Laptop per Child KStanfield 20:24, 17 January 2008 (EST)

  • I had the opportunity to experiment with an XO during a class on Science, Technology and Public Policy last semester. Kenyan-born Calestous Juma, the Director of Science, Technology and Innovation at the Kennedy School's Belfer Center was a guest speaker and he brought in an XO laptop for everyone to try out. Prof. Juma has devoted his professional career to sustainable development in the 3rd world and is a member of the board developing the XO's software. If you're interested in learning more about this impressive man, see the rather chatty Guardian story about Prof. Juma For Juma's thoughts on the problems of marketing the XO in Africa see Business Daily Africa article --Tseiver 21:51, 17 January 2008 (EST)
  • Here's a video review of the XO from a NY Times Technology writer. It shows its capabilities in more detail - and better resolution - than the item cited above by KStanfield. See NY Times XO review Yet another clip has a developer talking about it at a tech conference. See XO at tech fair --Tseiver 22:15, 17 January 2008 (EST)

Stecklow & Bandler, A Little Laptop With Big Ambitions

Link to the 60 minutes piece referenced in the article.

Palfrey & Gasser, Born Digital (Optional)

John Perry Barlow A Declaration of Independence for Cyberspace

  • Apparently Barlow has tempered his optimism regarding cyberspace becoming a sort of left-libertarian utopia. See towards the bottom of this 2004 interview in Reason here. Saying of his earlier writing on cyberspace and presumably this declaration in particular, "We all get older and smarter." WillM 13:48, 17 January 2008 (EST)