Week Three Hypernews Archive


Question One: How do the figures on the shield mirror or double the experiences of Patroklos (in Scroll 16) and Achilles (in Scroll 18)? What are the connections between Patroklos and Achilles, and are those connections made more clear by the representation on the shield?

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Question Two (a follow-up): What prices and what values are being redefined in these two crucial episodes? Make certain to refer to specific passages.

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Question Three (a follow-up): Hektor is now wearing Achilles' old armor and the old shield, with the old pictures on it. As an experiment of the imagination (there are no right or wrong answers!), try to describe what might have been represented in the older picture. How might this suit Hektor's world-view now just as it suited Achilles' world-view before the death of Patroklos?

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