Latest news
- Roadmap now available in Japanese and Portuguese
- Archived webcast of Roadmap launch event presentations
- State of Massachusetts, USA, announces open file format requirement
For more information about the Roadmap, please contact the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at +1.617.495.7547 or epolicy at
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Who is the Roadmap Intended For?
Policymakers, managers, technology architects and other stakeholders from industry and civil society seeking a user-friendly tool for understanding what open ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) ecosystems are, why they are embraced and how to evolve them.
How Can I Use It?
Read the Roadmap to learn what open ICT ecosystems are, and why they are increasingly important in an on-demand, information-driven world. Case studies provided by senior government officials from thirteen nations illustrate the application of open standards in diverse environments. Annexes and models provide practical exercises that help you assess the openness of your current ICT ecosystem.
Why is Opening ICT Ecosystems Important?
Technology’s transformative power has always been a source of great expectation and challenge. Today, globalization, fueled by information and communication technologies, is rapidly changing every society. Our drive toward globalization creates a new set of unique demands on government, business, and our everyday lives. Increasingly, decision makers in all fields are looking to technology to provide solutions and drive desired changes by commingling local, national and global resources in innovative ways.
Who Developed the Roadmap?
This Roadmap represents an unprecedented collaborative effort of senior government officials from thirteen nations, thought leaders from five global organizations, experts from two leading technology companies and academics from one of the world’s most respected universities.