Eye problems to look out for in children - Clinevada

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Every beginning of the year, the parents' attention is focused on going back to school. They prepare notebooks, pencils, backpacks, and everything else the kids need for a successful start to the school year. However, unfortunately, many end up neglecting an important factor that ensures better school development: children's eye health. In this post, we detail common eye problems young children may suffer to help you understand the importance of an eye checkup at least once every year.

Common eye problems in children

Many people don't realize that visual health can compromise the quality of life and the rate of development of young ones. So much so that, in the case of school-going children, eye problems generate negative impacts on their development, both physical and cognitive. To avoid this, some of the most common eye conditions to look out for in children include: • Astigmatism: It is a refractive error that causes the corneal curvature to change. In this way, all objects are distorted, both near and far. When the condition presents itself asymmetrically, it is necessary to conduct more tests, as it can be an indication of keratoconus, another condition that affects the corneal structure. • Hyperopia: In people with this condition, the eyeball is flatter, or the cornea is flatter. This causes the image to form after the retina and be captured in the wrong way. Thus, nearby objects are blurred. • Amblyopia: It is a dysfunction linked to the brain region corresponding to the ocular area. When it is not stimulated, in childhood, it causes a visual deficit. This condition is also known as the lazy eye. • Myopia: In this case, the focus of images takes place before they reach the retina. Thus, distant objects are blurry, while nearby objects remain sharp. The eye conditions mentioned above can be prevented or treated if caught early. So don't forget to take your kids for regular eye exams. At the Contact Lens Institute in Nevada, a specialty eye doctor is waiting to perform a comprehensive eye exam on you and your children.