IP Profile of Universities working in EM

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Research Questions

What are the 5 top Universities in this field?

  • Correlate them with their main outputs (Data, Narratives, Tools)
  • Understand and identify cases where these universities are “experimenting” or “adopting” commons based approach. Are they adopting OA policies, for instance? Are they adopting Social Responsible License approaches?
  • Identify these cases and treat them as entities that will also be placed in our mapping device (the quadrants)
  • Identify what universities are the “Microsofts” of the field and what companies are the “IBMs” of the field (Use the questionnaire to guide your research when appropriate - Carol will select specific relevant questions)


  • Oxford University Press
    • Location: New York, NY, USA
    • Higher Education Revenue 2008 (estimated): $550,260,000 (Mickey and Meaney 2008, 173)
    • About: "OUP USA publishes at a variety of levels for a wide range of audiences in almost every academic discipline. OUP USA produces approximately 500 titles each year, of which 250 are scholarly research monographs, and imports close to 800 such works from the U.K. and branch offices. OUP USA has 3,300 scholarly books in print and stocks imports from other OUP offices around the world." (Mickey and Meaney 2008, 174)
    • Stragegy: "Like other higher education publishers, OUP USA is looking to technology and custom publishing as new avenues for its business. Oxford’s custom publishing program allows instructors to choose scholarly content to meet their needs and those of their students. Instructors choose chapters or content from a single textbook or several volumes organized as they wish. If they choose to supplement an Oxford text with their own materials, OUP USA prints and shrink wraps the material. (Mickey and Meaney 2008, 174)


Bibliography for Item 8 in EM
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