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Re: [dvd-discuss] SonicBlue working on handheld PersonalVideoPlayer (PVP)

This is also a perfect example of the counter-productivity of
DRM/TPM's.  My first choice for content to "rip" would be DVD's. But
like copy protection (ha!) CD's all the copy protection does is motivate
the buyer to create a larger market for "circumvention devices" and
"cracked" content 99 & 44/100% of which will not result in royalties to
the copyright owner.

At one point I wrote how copy protected CD's turn paying customer into
non-paying downloaders.  With the advent of SonicBlue's device (and many
others to follow) DVD CSS and Macrovision will work in exactly the same

The really funny part about this was that when I explained how copy
protected CD's where counter productive to a Sr VP for IP at a MPAA
member (we were presenting on the same panel) he said "those audio guys
are really out to lunch" -- but he couldn't see how his situation was
analogous.  (Ironically, the IP VP was a HUGE Napster user at the time,
whereas I *never* used Napster -- not even once.)

Larry Blunk wrote:
>    I noticed the following article in USAToday yesterday --
> http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/techinnovations/2002-10-07-sonicblue-video_x.htm
>    It seems that SonicBlue plans to introduce a Personal Video
> Player with a 4" LCD and 20 to 40 GB of diskspace.  The player
> will support MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video.
>    I have long wondered if someone would develop such a device as
> it is the natural follow-on to personal MP3 players.  It is also
> an example of a legitimate and useful application for DeCSS.
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