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Re: [dvd-discuss] RBL and childmolesters.com

On Fri, Oct 19, 2001 at 12:50:36AM -0700, carey wrote:
>   Oddly enough, the site is already taken... 

not really a surprise, is it? child abuse has been one of the most
hyped topics of the past years, and until the WTC attack, it was about
to replace terrorism as the #1 pretext for more censorship, surveilance
and general oppressive attitude.

>   Look for child molesters at eBay - The World's Online Marketplace - 

hehehe - automatic search&replace gone horribly wrong. :)

>   Most of the other forms of childmolester(s) are still available,
>   just in case you're interested tom :)

nah. I don't give a damn about child abusers. they're one of the
million problems of a large and complex world and just happen to be
repulsive and morbidly-fascinating enough to have been choosen as an
excuse for all the control-freaks.