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[dvd-discuss] Anti-WIPO essay contest

Got this on the free-sklyarov mailing list.

Did you know that April 26th is World Intellectual Property Day 
(http://www.wipo.int/pressroom/en/alert/2001/ma03rev.htm)? Did you get your 
local government enforced monopoly a card?

Subject: [free-sklyarov] FW: Launching Wipout (fwd) -- ip essay contest/site
   Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 10:19:41 -0500 (CDT)
   From: "A.J. Peticolas" <petico@io.com>
     To: free-sklyarov@zork.net

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Dear Friends, Colleagues, and Fellow Activists:

WIPOUT, an international organisation consisting of academics, artists, 
musicians, and other activists, is today (Sept. 4) launching the 
Intellectual Property Counter Essay Contest on its website,  www.wipout.net

The multi-lingual essay contest has been organised in response to the World 
Intellectual Property Organisation's (WIPO's) own competition announced 
earlier this year. The counter contest is intended to challenge the 
over-protection of intellectual property (IP)  which is doing much damage to 
education, health care,  the environment, and economic security for millions 
around the world.

Entrants are being asked to address the same topic that WIPO has posed: WHAT 
counter contest essays to be rather more  critical than those that WIPO is 

The website also has a space for shorter 'Point of View'  pieces on the same 
topic for those who have something   to say, but do not want to write an 

WIPOUT’s contest will continue from 4 September until 15 March 2002. The 
winning essays will be chosen by an international panel of judges and the 
results announced on 26 April 2002, the same day that WIPO announces the 
winners of its contest. WIPOUT’s prize fund currently totals £1500.00 
(approx. $US2100.00).

Unlike submissions to most essay contests, WIPOUT’s essays will be
immediately posted on the website and accessible to all readers, not just 
the judges. And although WIPOUT is hosting a 'contest', we see the 
competitive aspect of the contest secondary to the purpose of enabling a 
public and critical debate on the over-protection of IP.

More than 40 groups and individuals from 10 countries have, to date,
announced their support for WIPOUT. (A complete list can be viewed at
www.wipout.net) High-profile endorsers include Noam Chomsky, The Treatment 
Action Campaign of South Africa, the Gene Campaign of India, British 
barrister Michael Mansfield, and the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the 
Center for the Public Domain in the US.

WIPOUT sees the contest as a way of building on recent   high-profile issues 
such as the South African anti-HIV drugs case, the growing protests against 
the TRIPS agreement and the WTO, the Napster saga (and increasing resentment 
against the high price of CDs), the arrest and charging of Dmitry Skylarov, 
and public concern about GM crops and the patenting of human genes and 

The essays can be submitted to WIPOUT in English, French, German, and
Spanish. A selection of initial essays, submitted for judging purposes or 
for the shorter   non-judged “point of view” section of the website, has 
already been posted on the website.

Details of the WIPO contest can be found at: 

So what can you do?

First, go and check our website, www.wipout.net, and  look at the
contributions already posted. Then if you want   to become a part of the 
contest and join in the campaign  against the over-protection of
intellectual property, you can:

1) Most obviously, write an essay or a 'Point of View' and submit it to 
WIPOUT. It will then be posted on our website.
2) Become an official endorser of the competition.
3) Make a contribution to our prize fund.
4) If you run a website, put a link to WIPOUT on your site  (a .jpg button 
can be provided). We are happy to put a reciprocal link on our site.
5) If your group or organisation publishes a newsletter/magazine, mention 
our launch. We have a launch essay we can supply for you.
6) Download the Wipout poster and put it up in your workplace, university, 
school, or local shop.
7) Spread the word. Tell others who may be interested by forwarding them 
this email. There are a lot of people in the world who are extremely unhappy 
with the effects of the excessive protection of IP. Give them the chance to 
say what they think

Finally, keep checking www.wipout.net in coming weeks  to read the new
submissions. It shows there are others who share your views and want to do 

Our email address is:contact@wipout.net

The Intellectual Property Counter-Essay Contest www.wipout.net
Tell the world what you think

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