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RE: [dvd-discuss] Adobe Comments on Sklyarov, ElcomSoft Cases

ElcomSoft has stated that it *did* attempt to communicate with Adobe
in the past, but to my knowledge, there have been no confirmations or
specific details released to support that. If in fact such
communication exists, it's a good bet such information will surface
at the most appropriate time.

Assuming they did, proving that something sent (via email? and if so,
to whom?) was actually received is not likely going to be easy.

The documentation in support of Dmitry's arrest clearly shows that
Adobe confirmed internally that ElcomSoft was able to exploit flaws
in eBook security -- was there any effort at that point to
communicate between the companies to address the security issue, or
merely the warning to cease and desist sales of AEBPR?

rgds ~ Kurt
____________________ Kurt Foss - Editor _______________________
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At 9:27 AM -0700 9/3/01, Richard Hartman wrote:
>Adobe is not aware of any attempts by ElcomSoft to provide feedback on the
>security of the Acrobat eBook Reader
>Wasn't that the topic of the talk he was giving when he was arrested?
>Although it is not a direct notification to Adobe, that talk was a public
>notification to the entire security community.
>What would be the impact if Elcomsoft _had_ attempted to notify Adobe, and
>had documentation to prove it?  Would that establish Elcomsoft in the
>"researcher" role and immunify (ok, there's a better word for that...) them?
