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RE: [dvd-discuss] Comparing DeCSS with legitimate code.

On Fri, 2002-05-24 at 09:25, Richard Hartman wrote:
> I don't recall the courts arriving at this authority
> model.  I do remember us discussing it here, but not
> as something that the courts has recogized as a legitimate
> authority model.

That's because both the Plaintiffs and the Courts have managed
to avoid presenting *any* authority model.  Quite an
accomplishment, I must say.

If they were ever pinned down to a authority-with-the-disk
model their case would be facially absurd.  If they assert
an authority-with-the-player model, then how does it matter
where I get the disk?  Making up a "you have to have both"
model is a double strain on credulity.

| May I have the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, |
|  the strength to change the things I cannot accept, and the   |
|    cunning to hide the bodies of those who got in my way.     |
+------------- D. C. Sessions <dcs@lumbercartel.com> -----------+