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Re: [dvd-discuss] So what is SonicBlue selling? DO I have to use to usethespyware?

Or another question is what the judge does when ZoneAlarm or some of the 
other firewalls block sonic blue traffic....but also consider this. In 
order to make a network connection, you've got to supply an address. That 
means that every sonic blue spyware report gets an IP address. THey know 
who did what and when. Do the studios now get this information? Does law 
enforcement? Your Neighbors? Do you get a personal visit from Jack "Boots" 
Valenti with a TV crew filming Jack explaining to you how you are 
violating the sacred intellectual property of Sleazetown?

This stupid judge does not understand just what he is asking for and the 
ramifications of getting it.

"Lars Gaarden" <larsg@eurorights.org>
Sent by: owner-dvd-discuss@eon.law.harvard.edu
05/07/02 07:14 AM
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        To:     <dvd-discuss@eon.law.harvard.edu>
        Subject:        Re: [dvd-discuss] So what is SonicBlue selling? DO I have to use to use 

From: "Michael A Rolenz" <Michael.A.Rolenz@aero.org>

> Here's a subversive question...what would be the legal status of someone 

> who modified his computer to search for and block the courts's directed 
> spyware program to return NOTHING or a note stating that the information 

> request has been blocked?

Or faking information?
"This ReplayTV has sent 35 copies of Caligula to jackboots@mpaa.gov"

Doesn't privacy law apply?

I think Mike Godwin mentioned that a similar discovery in the Betamax
case (to uncover user habits) was performed by a survey, with opt-out
provisions. Seems a lot more sensible than court-ordered spyware.
