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Re: [dvd-discuss] Interesting 1st sale-shrinkwrap-EULA-(c)infringementcase

On Fri, 2 Nov 2001, Jeme A Brelin wrote:

> On Fri, 2 Nov 2001, Noah silva wrote:
> > So let me be stupid here and ask...  What happens when someone who
> > wants to do something against (GPL, BSD Lisence, MPL, SISSL, LGPL,
> > etc.) claims he isn't bound by the lisence because he has "first sale"
> > (or first gift?).
> First sale doesn't give you the right to redistribute copies... certainly
> not commercially.
> I don't see how you could violate any of those licenses by practicing the
> rights transfered at first sale.

The problem is first sale assumes copyright is bound into a physical object.


Under first sale, can I take a book, ink out words, write notes in the margin,
draw pictures on the fly leaf, etc, and then re-sell the book?  I think the
answer is yes, if I don't claim any copyright on it (otherwise it may be
considered a derivative work, instead of a "damaged" book).

Run that book through a shredder, and re-sell the shreddings?  Again, I think

Can I buy a video game cartridge, solder a wire across a pair of pins that
changes the game to give the player unlimitted ammo, and re-sell the

If the answer is yes, then under first sale, could I "buy" (for free) a disk
with a GPL'd program source code, can I edit the source code, run it through a
compiler, overwriting the orignal source on the disk, and re-sell the compiled
version without my edited source?

