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Re: [dvd-discuss] Fwd: Bush taps Clarke as CyberdefenseChief

No offense taken. His comments are often "interesting" and he's a better 
informed talking head than most of the media (try watching talking heads 
during the news "hours" in LA sometime....they don't make much distinction 
between code red and anthrax in their delivery.). But I agree that his 
latest 'crusade" against raw sockets is a bit like the proverbial boy with 
the finger in the dike.  I doubt that raw sockets will be the only 
"wonderful" feature in WindowsXP.

Noah silva <nsilva@atari-source.com>
Sent by: owner-dvd-discuss@eon.law.harvard.edu
10/16/01 09:38 AM
Please respond to dvd-discuss

        To:     dvd-discuss@eon.law.harvard.edu
        Subject:        Re: [dvd-discuss] Fwd: Bush taps Clarke as CyberdefenseChief

On Tue, 16 Oct 2001 Michael.A.Rolenz@aero.org wrote:

> Steve Gibson has some interesting comments on raw sockets in WindowsXP 
> this website (www.grc.com). 

Well no offense.. hmm actually fine, offense intended: Steve gibson has a
lot of "interesting" comments on a lot of things, but obviously doesn't
know much about computers.  He seems to like to impress newbies and the
media though.

> Given some of his recent experiences with DOS 
> attacks, I can understand his concerns. There certainly is the potential 

> for widespread misuse given the expected distribution of WindowsXP. 
> I'm getting pretty tired of hearing about nimda, code red1, code red2, 
> by the talking heads on the tube and NOT hearing them say "OK the 
> is down today thanks to another "feature" created by microsoft" 
> keeps reporting on the evil wicked hackers without focusing on the real 
> culprit-microsoft. 

The difference is: RAW sockets are a powerfull tool that could be misused,
while the way microsoft does macros is so easily misused, while protection
there would be so easy. 
> Right now everybody is playing catchup and want to be a computer whizz 
> just as people did with stereos, cars, and radio decades ago.


 -- noah silva