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[dvd-discuss] More news from the EFF on slashdot

Sorry for the last blank message!   I fudgefingered.

On slashdot today, they link the the DOJ's motion to dismiss.


It seems so slanted, I doubt the RIAA could have done any better itself!

They start out by completely ignoring the threatening letter that was sent
to Felten, and top it all off by alleging that we all have to wait until
our speech has actually been snuffed before we can do anything about it.

There's also more of the "No one ever planned on taking action..." drivel.

There also appears to be lots of opportunities to take their curve-balls
and turn them into home runs...

For example, they make a big deal about the exceptions codified in the
DMCA for research, etc.  - BUT - There ARE no exceptions for the
trafficing provision of the DMCA.


All of the problems associated with Intellectual property can easily
be resolved by keeping those who believe in it on a strict diet of
Intellectual bread and water.

______         _ __         "If you don't have the freedom to use what you
  /           ' )  )               own - then you do not own anything."
 / o ______    /  / _  . .    No apologies to Jack Valenti or the MPAA
/ <_/ / / <   /  (_</_(_/_  -- tneu@visi.com / http://www.visi.com/~tneu --